重量:3.8 kg
口徑:6.35 mm
總長: 94 cm
革新、進化、突破、創新bobcat犢牛式中握氣槍年度新槍正式報到,fxairgun在空氣槍研發上展現重大突破,融合多方性能及用途的最新技術,並且 在各方面設計上專屬打造中握式氣槍使用,這不只是一把娛樂用的氣槍,競技場上bobcat也能應用自如,短巧機身玩家容易平衡及緊握更能快速移動瞄準擊 發,側拉式拉柄上膛,包覆槍管有效降低擊發噪音,強化聚合纖維槍托搭配橡膠觸感包覆外層,後托鑲入式氣壓表及備用彈倉,可調式貼塞片等諸多性能,多方用途 匯集一身成就bobcat不凡所在。
revolutionary and evolutionary describe the new fx bobcat. this latest, high tech, air powered shooting machine from fx utilizes a hybrid stock and action. the bobcat borrows the best of the bull pup design. fx puts the cocking and loading system in a more traditional placement for ease of use and comfort. the end result is a full powered, high performance rifle that is super compact and neutrally balanced.
the rifle’s design encourages use in the field and in matches. the lack of recoil and muzzle jump, do to the design, allows the shooter to compete at the highest levels of bench-rest competition.